AI pioneer and digitalization partner

Empolis Information Management GmbH supports customers in making the right decisions. Chances are good that you have already been in touch with us but didn’t realize it. Currently, around 500 Empolis installations exist around the world, and nearly 700,000 professional users rely on Empolis solutions on a daily basis to serve approximately 40 million end customers.

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installations worldwide

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corporate users worldwide

0 M+

end users worldwide


From research to
industrial application

WirtschaftsWoche (German business news magazine) describes Empolis as one of the leading AI pioneers in Germany. Empolis is also an associate of the DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence).


Turning Data into Action

We bundle artificial intelligence technologies in cloud solutions for CRM and service management. These enable a completely new service quality, customer approach and digital “as a service” and platform business models – from signal to action.


Excellence of Empolis

Our expertise and know-how are regularly acclaimed and distinguished with national and international awards.

Free consultation appointment

Taking off as a team

Let’s discuss together how artificial intelligence and modern knowledge management can make your service even more successful.